02–Dahlhaus–Foundations of Music History, Intro & Chapter 8 (2001-02)
03–Dahlhaus–Foundations, Chapter 9
04–Dahlhaus Foundations, Chapters 1-3- Ingarden (2001-02))
05a–Dahlhaus Foundations (Chs. 4-6) + Gadamer, T&M (2001-02)
05c–Buerger, Hohendahl, Institution Theory (2009)
06a–Nietzsche–Heidegger–Barthes (2001-02)
06b–Nora, Hobsbawm, Puri (Memory Studies)
07a–Standpoint (Insider) Epistemology (2001-02)
07b–Street-Klumpenhouwer-Cook (2001-02)
08a–Korsyn, Decentering Music (2001-02)
08b–Gumbrecht, Production of Presence (2009)
08b–Gumbrecht, Production of Presence (2009)
09–Abbate-Fink-Walser-Krims-Smart (2001-05)
10–Iser 1, The Act of Reading (2001-05)
11b–Iser–Changing Functions, Anthropology (2009)
11c-Genette, Narrative Discourse, Paratexts) (2009)